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    How LED light work? Learn more about LED board

    How LED light work? Learn more about LED board

    Have you noticed that now more and more of our lighting is using led lighting.What is LED? Compared to the traditional light bulbs, LEDs have lower power consumption, longer lifetime and higher energy efficiency. In the PCB industry,when we say LED PCB, it refers to the pcb used for LED lighting, if you are looking for a suitable LED PCB for your lighting system, this article may bring you something. WHAT ARE LEDS COMPOSED OF?LED is an initial light-emitting diode that produces light when an electric current passes through. LEDs typically have negative and positive electrodes, which generate light in the visible light region.The LEDS are glued to the PCB by soldering process and have electrical connections for lighting.Since light-emitting diodes dissipate a lot of heat when they are in use, when you are designing LED, the metal core is usually the best choice for LED PCB, it is because that it dissipates heat more faster. Among them, the metal material aluminum is the most widely used

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    The production process of automotive circuit boards

    The production process of automotive circuit boards

    Nov 01,2023

        The production process of automotive circuit boards involves numerous materials and processes, requiring rigorous design and precise manufacturing. Firstly, the designer will design a circuit diagram that meets the performance and control requirements of the car. Then, the circuit diagram will be converted into a physical circuit board substrate, which requires the use of a high-precision exposure technology called "light drawing".  Next, the circuit board substrate will undergo copper plating treatment to form a conductive circuit path. Then, various electronic components such as capacitors, resistors, diodes, transistors, etc. will be soldered onto the channel. Finally, these circuit boards will be tested and debugged to ensure that their performance meets the actual usage needs of the car.  The maintenance and upkeep of car circuit boards is very important, otherwise it may affect the normal operation of the car and even cause malfunctions. Firstly, users should avoid using cars

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    What are the specific functions of PCB white oil?

    What are the specific functions of PCB white oil?

    Oct 27,2023

      Firstly, white oil can provide good insulation protection.  In electronic devices, PCB boards carry numerous electronic components, which often require a certain degree of electrical isolation between them. The coating of white oil can form a layer of insulation protection film, effectively isolating the electrical connection between components and avoiding the occurrence of circuit short circuits and other problems.  Secondly, white oil can prevent oxidation and corrosion.  The surface of PCB boards is easily affected by oxidation when exposed to air, leading to the loss of conductivity of metal materials and even damage to circuits. The coating of white oil can form a protective layer that isolates air from direct contact with the PCB board, effectively preventing oxidation and corrosion, and extending the service life of electronic devices.  In addition, white oil also has the function of dust and moisture prevention.  In practical applications, PCB boards are often affected by ex

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    Design principles and precautions for the shape of PCB circuit boards

    Design principles and precautions for the shape of PCB circuit boards

    Oct 27,2023

        For circuit board design, shape is very important as it directly affects the performance and reliability of the circuit. Let's take a look at the manufacturers of intelligent circuit boards together!  A suitable exterior design can improve the manufacturing efficiency and installation convenience of circuit boards. When choosing the appearance, we should follow the following principles:  1. Simplicity and clarity: The appearance of a PCB circuit board should be concise and clear, without excessive curves or patterns. This helps to control the manufacturing process and reduce manufacturing costs.  2. Reasonable use of space: According to actual needs, make reasonable use of the space on PCB circuit boards to avoid waste. At the same time, it is necessary to consider whether the size of the board is suitable for installation in the target device.  3. Consider edge treatment: When designing the shape of a PCB circuit board, the method of edge treatment should be considered. You can ch

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    Common problems and solutions for PCB copying and sampling

    Common problems and solutions for PCB copying and sampling

    Oct 27,2023

        Question 1: How to solve the inconsistency between the circuit schematic and the board copying result?  To address this issue, we need to start from the source. Firstly, ensure the accuracy of the circuit schematic to avoid errors or omissions. Secondly, check the correspondence between the schematic diagram and the copied board file to ensure that there is no confusion or misalignment. Finally, professional schematic comparison tools can be used to check layer by layer and eliminate possible problems.  Question 2: How to solve the problem of component loss or misalignment during the copying process?  Component loss or misalignment is a common problem, but it can also be prevented and resolved. Firstly, it is recommended to prepare a component list and check the position and number of each component before copying to avoid omissions. Secondly, leave sufficient space during wiring to avoid interference and misalignment between components. Finally, during the placement process, stric

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    What does PCB sampling mean

    What does PCB sampling mean

    Oct 27,2023

        With the development of modern technology, the electronic products around us have become increasingly intelligent and precise. As the core of these electronic products, the importance of printed circuit boards (PCBs) has also become increasingly prominent. So, have you ever been curious about what PCB sampling is? How does it play a crucial role in product development? Intelligent circuit board manufacturers will reveal this knowledge and popular science topic for you.  PCB sampling, in simple terms, is to verify the correctness, stability, and feasibility of circuit design by producing a small number of sample circuit boards. It is one of the indispensable links in the product development process  Why do we need to conduct PCB sampling? There are three reasons:  Firstly, PCB sampling can help developers discover and solve problems in circuit design in a timely manner.  In the product design phase, especially for complex circuit designs, it is difficult to completely avoid errors o

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    prototype pcb board.What is FPC?

    prototype pcb board.What is FPC?

    Oct 26,2023

        The full name of FPC is Flexible Printed Circuit, which is a flexible printed circuit board. Unlike traditional hard circuit boards, FPC is made of flexible materials with characteristics such as bending, folding, and bending. It can better adapt to the curved design of mobile phones, providing higher reliability and stability.  The FPC bending machine for mobile phones plays an important role in the production of mobile phones.  It is mainly used for precise bending and bending of FPC to meet the requirements of mobile phone appearance design. Innovative designs such as curved screens and foldable screens in mobile phones cannot do without the support of the FPC bending machine.  The function of mobile FPC bending machine is mainly reflected in the following aspects.  Firstly, it can achieve high-precision bending and bending, ensuring the accuracy and stability of FPC during the phone assembly process.  Secondly, mobile phone FPC bending machines can improve production efficiency

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    What material is FPC soft board

    What material is FPC soft board

    Oct 26,2023

        The types of FPC board substrates mainly include polyimide (PI), polyamide acid (PAA), polyamide ester (PA), polyaniline ester (PEN), and fluoroplastics (FEP). Polyimide is the most common substrate with good heat resistance, chemical corrosion resistance, and mechanical properties, suitable for high-temperature and high-frequency applications. PAA substrates are relatively inexpensive, but have poor heat and chemical resistance, making them suitable for low-cost and general performance requirements applications. PA and PEN substrates are intermediate in terms of heat resistance, chemical resistance, and mechanical properties between polyimide and PAA, making them suitable for various moderately demanding applications.  The characteristic of FEP substrate is its excellent flame retardancy and electrical properties, suitable for high demand applications.  When selecting FPC board substrate, it needs to be determined based on specific application requirements and performance requirem

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    Rigid flex board PCB.How to solve the problem of unclear development of PCB circuit boards?

    Rigid flex board PCB.How to solve the problem of unclear development of PCB circuit boards?

    Oct 26,2023

        1. Use high-quality raw materials: Choose reliable circuit board suppliers and ensure that the purchased raw materials such as developer and photoresist meet relevant standards and requirements. Under no circumstances should quality be reduced in order to reduce costs.  2. Regular maintenance and update of equipment: Regularly inspect and maintain photosensitive adhesive coating equipment, development equipment, and other related equipment to ensure their normal operation and provide stable performance.  3. Establish a strict quality control process: Develop appropriate quality control and inspection processes to ensure that each production step meets quality standards. Relevant personnel should also receive training to understand and master the correct operating methods.  4. Emphasis on cleanliness and hygiene: Ensure a clean working environment and strictly prohibit pollution sources from entering the production area. Operators should use appropriate protective measures to avoid

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