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    How LED light work? Learn more about LED board

    How LED light work? Learn more about LED board

    Have you noticed that now more and more of our lighting is using led lighting.What is LED? Compared to the traditional light bulbs, LEDs have lower power consumption, longer lifetime and higher energy efficiency. In the PCB industry,when we say LED PCB, it refers to the pcb used for LED lighting, if you are looking for a suitable LED PCB for your lighting system, this article may bring you something. WHAT ARE LEDS COMPOSED OF?LED is an initial light-emitting diode that produces light when an electric current passes through. LEDs typically have negative and positive electrodes, which generate light in the visible light region.The LEDS are glued to the PCB by soldering process and have electrical connections for lighting.Since light-emitting diodes dissipate a lot of heat when they are in use, when you are designing LED, the metal core is usually the best choice for LED PCB, it is because that it dissipates heat more faster. Among them, the metal material aluminum is the most widely used

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    pcb ink use precautions

    pcb ink use precautions

    Mar 18,2024

        According to the actual experience of the use of ink by most manufacturers, the use of ink must be carried out in accordance with the following provisions:  1, in any case, the temperature of the ink must be kept below 20-25 ° C, the temperature change can not be too large, otherwise it will affect the viscosity of the ink and screen printing quality and effect.  Especially when the ink is stored outdoors or at different temperatures, it must be placed at the ambient temperature for a few days or the appropriate operating temperature must be reached in the ink bucket before use. This is because the use of cold ink will cause screen printing failure, causing unnecessary trouble. Therefore, to maintain the quality of the ink, it is best to store or store under normal temperature process conditions.  2, before use, the ink must be fully and carefully manually or mechanically stirred evenly. If the ink enters the air, use it to stand for a period of time. If dilution is required, it is

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    Characteristics of pcb ink

    Characteristics of pcb ink

    Mar 18,2024

        1. Viscosity and thixotropy  In the printed circuit board manufacturing process, screen printing is one of the indispensable important processes. In order to obtain the fidelity of image reproduction, the ink must have good viscosity and suitable thixotropy. The so-called viscosity is the internal friction of the liquid, which means that under the action of external forces, one layer of liquid slides on another layer of liquid, and the friction exerted by the inner layer of liquid. The inner layer of the thick liquid has greater mechanical resistance to sliding, and the thinner liquid has less resistance. The unit of viscosity measurement is poisons. In particular, it should be noted that temperature has a significant effect on viscosity.  Thixotropy is a physical property of liquid, that is, the viscosity of the liquid decreases in the state of agitation, and quickly recovers its original viscosity after standing. By stirring, the thixotropic effect lasts long enough for its inter

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    New energy circuit board.Fault analysis and solution of circuit board hole metallization

    New energy circuit board.Fault analysis and solution of circuit board hole metallization

    Mar 15,2024

      I. The backlight is unstable, and the hole wall is without copper  1. The composition of chemical copper working liquid is out of control or the process conditions are out of control  2. The adjuster is missing or invalid  3. Low activator component or temperature  4. Overspeed  5. Different plates, to drill dirt is too strong  6. The inner layer of the hole wall is broken or peeled off when drilling  So how do circuit board manufacturers improve it?  1. The composition and process conditions of the whole working liquid, especially increasing the content of HCHO, appropriately increasing the temperature or reducing the addition of components containing stabilizers, improve the activity of the working liquid.  2. Add or replace the regulator at normal temperature  3. Add activator and increase the temperature  4. Reduce the concentration of accelerant or immersion time  5. Appropriately reduce the decontamination strength, and improve the activity of activator and chemical copper solu

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    Copper PCB Manufacturing.Copper sinking process of circuit board production process

    Copper PCB Manufacturing.Copper sinking process of circuit board production process

    Mar 15,2024

        In the process of circuit board manufacturing, what is the copper sinking process of pcb in circuit board factory? And the major circuit board manufacturers are a kind of production process? That's the whole process of sinking copper? Let's take a closer look.  In the production process of the circuit board factory, the copper is called plating through the hole, that is, chemical plating copper. In the PCB production process of Shenzhen Circuit Board Factory copper deposition this process requires a chemical reaction, usually abbreviated as PTH, is a self-catalytic REDOX reaction. Generally, double panels or multi-layer boards are sunk after drilling.  The role of copper sinking is mainly to connect the circuit, in the non-conductive hole wall substrate, the use of chemical method - chemical copper, because there are electroplated copper behind, copper sinking is to make a base for the copper plating behind, our Shenzhen circuit board factory in the production of PCB process are ve

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    PCB Capabilities factory.Copper sinking process in PCB production of circuit board factory

    PCB Capabilities factory.Copper sinking process in PCB production of circuit board factory

    Mar 15,2024

        1. The first step is alkaline oil removal:  Alkaline oil removal refers to the removal of oil, finger marks, oxides and dust in the hole; The negative charge of the pore wall is changed into positive charge, which is convenient for the adsorption of colloidal palladium in the later process. Under normal circumstances, oil removal cleaning should be carried out in accordance with the rules of the circuit board factory (Shenzhen circuit board factory is also like this), and the copper backlight test is used for detection.  2. Micro-etching:  Micro-corrosion refers to remove the oxide of the plate surface, rough the plate surface, to ensure that the subsequent copper deposition layer and the substrate bottom copper combination; The new copper surface has strong flexibility and can adsorb colloidal palladium very well.  3. Prepreg:  The prepreg is mainly to protect the palladium tank from pollution, because the front tank will pollute the palladium tank, and the service life of the pal

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    pcb assembly manufacturer.Field management of PCB factory

    pcb assembly manufacturer.Field management of PCB factory

    Mar 14,2024

      The staff of the enterprise often turn a blind eye to many problems, or think that it is harmless, or think that it cannot be changed. There are also many managers who tend to turn a blind eye to intuitive information and focus only on numbers. As a result, it may slip through the cracks, ignore some key clues, and fail to truly understand the true state of the enterprise.  As a customer, you should go to the supplier's site to understand its cost composition, production efficiency, quality control. As a supplier, we should go to the customer's site to understand its production process in order to better serve customers. As a peer, if you have the opportunity to visit other circuit board factories, it is also a very good opportunity to learn, compare and reference.  Enterprise operation is a big system, all links are closely related and affect each other. For production-oriented enterprises, through any details of the scene, you can know the micro. Any big problem can be found at the

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    Power Bank Charge Circuit.PCB circuit board interconnection mode

    Power Bank Charge Circuit.PCB circuit board interconnection mode

    Mar 14,2024

        1, PCB wire welding  This method does not require any connectors, as long as the external connection point on the PCB printed board is welded directly with the components or other components outside the board. For example, the speaker in the radio, the battery box, etc.  Circuit board interconnection welding should pay attention to:  (1) The welding pad of the welding wire should be as far as possible on the edge of the PCB printed board, and arranged according to a unified size to facilitate welding and maintenance.  (2) In order to improve the mechanical strength of the wire connection and avoid pulling the solder pad or printed wire off due to the pull of the wire, drill holes near the solder joints on the PCB printed board, let the wire pass through the hole from the welded surface of the printed board, and then insert the solder pad hole from the component surface for welding.  (3) Arrange or bundle the wire neatly, and fix it with the board through the wire card or other fast

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    PCB Manufacturing Process.Process and function of intermediate pressure in circuit board production

    PCB Manufacturing Process.Process and function of intermediate pressure in circuit board production

    Mar 14,2024

        1. Check and remove the debris adhering to the semi-cured sheet;  2. Check the inner plate: and ensure that there is no debris adhering to it;  Our operators do a good job in the laminate positioning template (also known as the press template positioning pin) tooling, templates, and buffer paper before the plate.  Whether it is a senior circuit board manufacturer or our operator, according to the performance of the semi-cured sheet used, the relevant temperature setting size provisions: Tg<135t, the maximum temperature setting range is 160-185t; Tg>160t, the maximum temperature setting range is 170-205t.  The next step is the pressure of lamination: it squeezes the air between the plates and speeds up the flow of resin to fill the space between the shapes.  - Generally, the setting of pressure is divided into four stages:  ① Pre-pressure section: drive volatiles and residual gases, so that the layer is closely combined. Precompression is the key of lamination.  ② Medium pressure se

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