If the circuit design is relatively simple, the total volume is not large, and the space is suitable, traditional interconnection methods are mostly much cheaper. If the circuit is complex, processes many signals, or has special electrical or mechanical performance requirements, flexible circuits are a good design choice. When the size and performance of an application exceed the capacity of a rigid circuit, flexible assembly is the most economical method. A 12 mil solder pad with a 5 mil through-hole and a flexible circuit with 3 mil lines and spacing can be made on a thin film. Therefore, directly mounting chips on thin films is more reliable. Because it does not contain flame retardants that may be sources of ion drilling pollution. These films may have protective properties and cure at higher temperatures, resulting in higher glass transition temperatures. The reason why flexible materials save costs compared to rigid materials is that they eliminate the need for connectors.
High cost raw materials are the main reason for the high prices of flexible circuits. The price difference of raw materials is significant, and the cost of raw materials used in the lowest cost polyester flexible circuit is 1.5 times that of raw materials used in rigid circuits; High performance polyimide flexible circuits can reach up to 4 times or higher. At the same time, the flexibility of the material makes it difficult to carry out automated processing during the manufacturing process, resulting in a decrease in output; Defects are prone to occur during the final assembly process, including peeling off flexible attachments and broken lines. When the design is not suitable for the application, such situations are more likely to occur. Under high stress caused by bending or forming, it is often necessary to choose reinforcing or reinforcing materials. Although its raw material cost is high and manufacturing is troublesome, its foldable, bendable, and multi-layer splicing functions will reduce the overall component size and materials used, resulting in a decrease in overall assembly costs.
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