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  • Standard PCB board.High Frequency pcb Circuit Board rogers4350 material




      PCB bare board is the abbreviation of Printed Circuit Board. The Chinese name is printed circuit board, also known as print circuit board, printed circuit board. It is an important electronic component, a support body for electronic components, and a provision of electronic components electrical connection. By. Because it is made of electronic printing, it is called a "print" circuit board.

      As electronic devices are becoming more and more complicated, there are naturally more and more parts required, and the lines and parts on the PCB are becoming more and more dense. Naked plates (there are no parts on it) are often called "printing line board Printed Wiring Board (PWB)". The substrate of the board itself is made of insulation and insulation, and it is not easy to bend the material. The small line materials that can be seen on the surface are copper foil. The originally copper foil was covered on the entire board, and part of the part was carved during the manufacturing process. Essence These lines are called ConDuctor Pattern or wiring, and are used to provide circuit connections on PCB parts.

      Usually the color of PCB is green or brown, which is the color of the Solder Mask. It is the protective layer of the insulation that can protect the copper line, and it can also prevent parts from being welded to incorrect places. Silk Screen is also printed on the welded layer. Usually, text and symbols are printed on it (mostly white) to indicate the position of each part on the board. Silk net printing surface is also called icon surface (legend)

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