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  • PCB Manufacturing Process.Process and function of intermediate pressure in circuit board production




      1. Check and remove the debris adhering to the semi-cured sheet;

      2. Check the inner plate: and ensure that there is no debris adhering to it;

      Our operators do a good job in the laminate positioning template (also known as the press template positioning pin) tooling, templates, and buffer paper before the plate.

      Whether it is a senior circuit board manufacturer or our operator, according to the performance of the semi-cured sheet used, the relevant temperature setting size provisions: Tg<135t, the maximum temperature setting range is 160-185t; Tg>160t, the maximum temperature setting range is 170-205t.

      The next step is the pressure of lamination: it squeezes the air between the plates and speeds up the flow of resin to fill the space between the shapes.

      - Generally, the setting of pressure is divided into four stages:

      ① Pre-pressure section: drive volatiles and residual gases, so that the layer is closely combined. Precompression is the key of lamination.

      ② Medium pressure section: the resin glue is fully filled and can drive the bubble in the resin glue to prevent the pressure from being too high;

      ③ Pressure section: the semi-cured sheet is cured to the C-order state;

      ④ K-down section: Step down pressure to reduce the internal stress of the board and reduce warping.

      Because the precompression period is closely related to the characteristics of the semi-cured sheet, it is necessary to adjust the precompression period after pressure test and on the basis of comprehensive inspection of the laminate plate, before it can be formally put into production.

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