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  • PCB Computer Auxiliary Manufacturing Processing Technology.Multi-layer HDI Printed Circuit Board




      Computer -assisted manufacturing (CAM) is processed according to the final process. The requirements of the process mentioned earlier must make necessary preparations before light painting. For example, the problems of mirroring, welding expansion, craft lines, craft frames, line width adjustment, central holes, and appearance lines must be completed in the CAM process. In particular, it is important to note that there must be a corresponding process in the intermediate distance between the user file and must be processed accordingly.

      Because the process and technical level of each factory are different, to meet the ultimate requirements of the user, the necessary adjustments must be made in the production process to meet the requirements of the user's relevant accuracy. Therefore, CAM processing is an indispensable process in the manufacturing of modern printing circuits.

      ① Fix the size of the pad, combat D code.

      ② Correct the width of the line, combat D code.

      ③ Check the minimum spacing, between pads and pads, between pads and lines, between lines and lines.

      ④ Check the size of the aperture, combined.

      ⑤ Check the minimum line width.

      ⑥ Determine the expansion of the welded parameters.

      Mirror. As well as

      ⑧ Add various craft lines and craft frames.

      而 Line -wide correction to correct the side erosion.

      ⑩ Form the central hole.

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