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      The reason why PCB has been increasingly widely used is because it has many unique advantages, which can be summarized as follows.

      Can be high-density. For decades, high-density printed circuit boards have developed with the improvement of integrated circuit integration and the advancement of installation technology.

      High reliability of PCB board sampling. Through a series of inspections, tests, and aging tests, it can be ensured that the PCB can work reliably for a long time (usually 20 years).

      Designability. The various performance requirements (electrical, physical, chemical, mechanical, etc.) of PCBs can be achieved through design standardization and standardization, with short time and high efficiency.

      Producibility. By adopting modern management, standardized, scaled, automated production can be carried out to ensure product quality consistency.

      Testability. We have established a relatively complete testing method, testing standards, various testing equipment and instruments to detect and evaluate the qualification and service life of PCB products.

      Assemblability. PCB products are convenient for standardized assembly of various components, as well as for automated and large-scale mass production. At the same time, PCBs and various component assemblies can also be assembled to form larger components, systems, and even the entire machine.

      Maintainability. Due to the standardized design and large-scale production of PCB products and various component assembly components, these components are also standardized. So, once the system malfunctions, it can be quickly, conveniently, and flexibly replaced to quickly restore the system's operation. Of course, you can give more examples. For example, making the system miniaturized, lightweight, and high-speed signal transmission.

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