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  • Maximizing performance using PCBA reliability design (DFR)




      For end users, the ability of your circuit board to perform its expected functions is a basic requirement. More importantly, they remain consistent throughout their expected lifespan. When your design process targets reliability, it is best to achieve this level of performance, including the following.

      After PCBA is put into operation, its performance will be determined after development and production. The goal of this stage is to ensure that the circuit board always performs its functions or makes it reliable throughout its entire lifecycle. The failure rate of all produced circuit boards is 0%, which is a high standard because circuit boards may encounter unforeseeable situations that are not considered in the design or manufacturing process. Therefore, we should revise our goal to minimize failure rates and maximize service life. Although performance is a post production indicator, it is determined by the measures taken during the development process.

      An effective PCBA development process is crucial for producing the best circuit board with a low probability of failure on site. The responsibility for this reliability is shared between the designer and the contract manufacturer (CM). Firstly, this means that your design should incorporate the rules and guidelines provided by the selected CM, with PCB tolerances used for the actual equipment used to construct the circuit board. By collaborating with your CM and adopting the Best Design (DFX) principle, as shown below, you can achieve the best PCBA performance.

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