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  • Main laws, regulations, and policies in the printed circuit board industry




      1. Industry regulatory authorities and regulatory system

      The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China is the competent department in charge of the printed circuit board industry. Its main responsibilities include formulating and organizing the implementation of industry plans, plans, and policies for the industrial and communication industries, proposing policy recommendations for optimizing industrial layout and structure, drafting relevant laws and regulations, formulating regulations, drafting industry technical specifications and standards, and organizing their implementation, guiding industry quality management work. The Electronic Information Department under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China is responsible for industry management of electronic information product manufacturing; Organize and coordinate the development and production of major system equipment, microelectronics and other basic products, and organize and coordinate the localization of supporting equipment, components, instruments and materials required for major national engineering projects; Promote the promotion and application of electronic information technology.

      The China Printed Circuit Industry Association (CPCA) is a national first level industry association with independent legal personality, established under the business leadership of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China and approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. It is a major member of the World Electronic Circuit Council (WECC), along with the IPC in the United States, JPCA in Japan, EIPC in Europe, KPCA in South Korea, IPCA in India, and HKPCA in Hong Kong, China, Mainly responsible for organizing industry enterprises to participate in the formulation of CPCA standards and WECC standards, and developing joint standards with IPC and JPCA; Participate in the formulation of customs terminology and unit consumption; Edit and publish printed circuit information newspapers, professional books, and websites; Host annual spring and autumn international PCB information/technology forums; Carry out employee skill training and various lectures; Conduct industry surveys and publish the annual ranking of China's Top 100 Electronic Circuit Enterprises.

      2. Main laws, regulations, and policies in the industry

      PCB is an essential basic component in modern electronic equipment and an important component of various electronic products. It plays a crucial role in the electronic information industry chain, connecting the past and the future. The electronic information industry is a strategic, fundamental, and leading pillar industry of the national economy. PCB sample manufacturers believe that it has significant strategic significance for the development of the national economy and national security, Therefore, the Chinese government and industry regulatory authorities have launched a series of industrial policies to support and encourage the PCB industry

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