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      As pcb design is more and more commonly used in existing development boards, and sub boards are used to drive hydraulic devices and servo motors or perform tasks according to light, motion and sound, the design trend of printed circuit boards gradually tends to Open-source hardware mode and control system.

      Another major trend in PCB design is the explosive growth of development boards. In October 2013, a survey was conducted on PCB designers from around the world, including professional engineers from 42 different countries.

      The survey results show that nearly two-thirds of the respondents (64%) believe that the development board has to some extent reduced their demand for customized PCB design. On the surface, this result poses a threat to the development of PCB design, but in reality, printed circuit board design tools are being increasingly applied in development board design.

      However, since its inception, the design of printed circuit boards has not undergone fundamental changes. The innovative technology in the field of PCB design has always been focused on reducing the cost of development boards and shortening development time, but the layout of printed circuit boards has remained basically unchanged, only changing the components used and product performance - which is also the fundamental reason for most design complexity.

      In the face of fierce competition, shortening product design cycles is crucial for engineers and managers. One of the most concerning issues for many companies is how engineers can obtain development tools that can shorten product time to market and reduce design costs, in order to cope with increasingly complex PCB designs. The design cycle plays a decisive role in the timing of product launch, and printed circuit board layout is often used to compensate for delays in the initial design process. In addition, due to the fact that manufacturers' workplaces and design teams are distributed around the world, it is not difficult to imagine how difficult it is to obtain the best development tools, which makes multiple design teams and product launch times challenging.

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