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  • How to improve the thermal reliability of PCB circuit boards




      In general, the distribution of copper foil on PCB circuit boards is very complex and difficult to accurately model. Therefore, when modeling, it is necessary to simplify the shape of the wiring and make ANSYS models as close as possible to the actual circuit board. The electronic components on the circuit board can also be simulated using simplified modeling, such as MOS transistors, integrated circuit blocks, etc.

      Thermal analysis

      Thermal analysis in SMT processing can assist designers in determining the electrical performance of components on PCB circuit boards, helping them determine whether components or circuit boards will burn out due to high temperatures. Simple thermal analysis only calculates the average temperature of the circuit board, while complex ones require establishing transient models for electronic devices containing multiple circuit boards. The accuracy of thermal analysis ultimately depends on the accuracy of the component power consumption provided by the circuit board designer.

      In many applications, weight and physical size are very important. If the actual power consumption of components is very small, it may lead to a high safety factor in the design, resulting in circuit board designs using power consumption values that are inconsistent with reality or overly conservative for thermal analysis. On the contrary (and more seriously), the design of the thermal safety factor is too low, which means that the actual operating temperature of the components is higher than predicted by analysts. This type of problem is generally solved by installing heat dissipation devices or fans to cool the circuit board. These external accessories increase costs and extend manufacturing time. Adding fans to the design can also bring unstable factors to reliability. Therefore, the circuit board mainly adopts active rather than passive cooling methods (such as natural convection, conduction, and radiation cooling).

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