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  • Engineering technicians need to understand PCB software




      Engineering and technical personnel should understand the necessary production processes and master relevant software production, including common circuit design software such as Altium Designer, Pads2000, Autocad, etc. They should also be familiar with necessary CAM software such as View2001 and CAM350; GCCAM, etc., should include PCB design input, which can edit, correct, repair, and assemble circuit graphics, use magnetic disks as the dielectric material, and output automated data for photo drawing, drilling, and testing.

      An important aspect of the success of the laser light drawing machine market is providing manufacturers with a large amount of technical strength in engineering production. At the same time, we have also seen a large demand for engineering and production personnel from Jianhe PCB manufacturers, as well as an increasing demand for the level of engineering and technical personnel. Therefore, it prompts us to continuously improve our technical level in order to meet more and higher demands. During the training and learning period at our company, students should not only proficiently master the use of our company's laser lithography machines and their supporting products, as well as laser lithography system software, but also familiarize themselves with the basic applications of various electronic CAD/CAM software as soon as possible.

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