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  • Copper PCB Manufacturing.Copper sinking process of circuit board production process




      In the process of circuit board manufacturing, what is the copper sinking process of pcb in circuit board factory? And the major circuit board manufacturers are a kind of production process? That's the whole process of sinking copper? Let's take a closer look.

      In the production process of the circuit board factory, the copper is called plating through the hole, that is, chemical plating copper. In the PCB production process of Shenzhen Circuit Board Factory copper deposition this process requires a chemical reaction, usually abbreviated as PTH, is a self-catalytic REDOX reaction. Generally, double panels or multi-layer boards are sunk after drilling.

      The role of copper sinking is mainly to connect the circuit, in the non-conductive hole wall substrate, the use of chemical method - chemical copper, because there are electroplated copper behind, copper sinking is to make a base for the copper plating behind, our Shenzhen circuit board factory in the production of PCB process are very careful, every step is carefully executed.

      The control of this process will affect some special PCB plates, (such as PCB high frequency board, soft and hard combined board, thick copper plate, impedance plate, plate hole plate, thick gold plate, coil plate), of course, more related to the quality of our Shenzhen circuit board factory products, so each process is strictly controlled.

      Copper deposition process decomposition: alkaline degreasing → secondary or tertiary countercurrent bleaching → roughing (microetching) → secondary countercurrent bleaching → preleaching → activation → secondary countercurrent bleaching → degluing → secondary countercurrent bleaching → Copper deposition → secondary countercurrent bleaching → acid leaching

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