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  • Common Q&A on PCB circuit boards




      Q: How to conduct pilot testing on PCB circuit boards?

      Answer: Today, electronic products are becoming thinner and shorter, and the preset wiring of PCBs is becoming more complex and difficult. In addition to balancing functionality and safety, it is also necessary to be producible and testable. We hereby provide a rule for the reference of the preset wiring engineer regarding the need for measurability. Kunshan circuit board sampling manufacturers believe that if they pay attention to it, it will save your company considerable tooling production costs and promote the reliability of testing and the service life of fixtures.

      Although there is a double-sided fixture, it is preferable to place the measured point on a unified surface. The important consideration is to be able to perform single-sided testing.

      If there is difficulty, the TOP SIZE needle points should be less than the BOTTON SIZE.

      2. Priority of measurement points: I Test pad II Component lead III Via hole -->but not Mask

      3. The distance between the second measured point or the measured point and the pre drilled hole shall not be less than 1.27mm (50mil). It is preferable to have a diameter greater than 2.54mm (100mil). Next is 1.905mm (75mil).

      4. The measured point should be at least 2.54mm away from the nearby parts (located on the same surface). If it is a part higher than 3mm, the spacing should be at least 3.05mm.

      5. The measured points should be evenly distributed on the surface of the PCB to prevent excessive local density.

      6. The diameter of the measured point should not be less than 0.7mm (28mil), and if on the needle plate, it should not be less than 1.00mm. The shape should be preferably square (circular is also acceptable)

      7. When the empty foot is within the allowable scale, testability should be considered. If there are no testing points, points must be pulled.

      8. Requirements for positioning holes: I Each PCB must have at least 2 positioning holes, and the holes must not be coated with tin. (Aperture at least 3mm)

      II Select 2 holes spaced diagonally as the positioning holes. (Distributed on all four sides)

      9. Has CAD GERBER FIEL been converted to CAM (FAB-MASTER) compatible programs.

      10. The edge distance of the screw hole should be at least 6mm from the TEST PAD.

      11. Does each NET have a TEST PAD left.

      12. Is the tin surface of the TEST PAD SIZE 3mil.

      13. The interval between the midpoint of TEST PAD to TEST PAD should be at least 54 mils.

      14. The distance between the TEST PAD and the edge of the board should be at least 5mm.

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